Monday, December 26, 2022
Versifier | Manifesters Timeline: 1993 - February 1999 [Pre-Manifesters Era]
Friday, November 25, 2022
Hasbro 3-3/4” Action Figures – Evolutions Figure Packs
The Prides of Nexu Museum
Hasbro 3-3/4” Action Figures – Evolutions Figure Packs
Boxed Action Figure 3-Pack Sets
Released 2005-2009 in three different action figure lines
*Revenge of the Sith (2005)
*The 30th Anniversary Collection (2007-2008)
*The Legacy Collection (2008-2010)
23 Total Evolutions Released
16 Unique
7 Re-Packs
13 Evolutions Currently in the Prides of Nexu Museum
8 Unique
5 Re-Packs
13 of 23 Total Evolutions
8 of 16 Unique
5 of 7 Re-Packs
Revenge of the Sith
4 of 5 Total | Unique
The 30th Anniversary Collection
5 of 7 Total
2 of 4 Unique
3 of 3 Re-Packs
The Legacy Collection
4 of 11 Total
2 of 7 Unique
2 of 4 Re-Packs
Photo of the Prides of Nexu Museum Evolutions Collection
As of November 2022
Complete List of Evolutions
Unique Packs
Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader
The Sith
Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper
Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper II
Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper III w/ Bonus Extra Trooper
The 30th Anniversary Collection (2008)
The Jedi Legacy
The Sith Legacy
The Fett Legacy
Vader’s Secret Apprentice (The Force Unleashed)
The Legacy Collection (2008-2009)
The Padme Amidala Legacy
Clone Commandos (Walmart Exclusive)
Imperial Pilot Legacy I
Imperial Pilot Legacy II (Walmart Exclusive)
Rebel Pilot Legacy I
Rebel Pilot Legacy II
Rebel Pilot Legacy III (Walmart Exclusive)
Revenge of the Sith Re-Packs
The 30th Anniversary Collection (2008)
Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader
The Sith
Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper
The 30th Anniversary Collection Re-Packs
The Legacy Collection (2008)
The Jedi Legacy
The Sith Legacy
The Fett Legacy
Vader’s Secret Apprentice (The Force Unleashed)
I was/am a big fan of the Evolutions packs. The box/packaging design, size, shape, and ‘display-ability’ (in each of the three lines), is absolutely fantastic. And I love the concept. Even if a handful don’t quite align with the true theme, that doesn’t detract from what a great sub-line Evolutions is. Figure-wise, Evolutions features multiple character-to-figure debuts, and a plethora of Expanded Universe characters. To date there is still a handful of figures that have only been released inside Evolutions packs. There was great collectability appeal.
I picked up thirteen of the twenty three Evolutions packs at retail in 2005 & 2008. At one point in time I wanted the entire sub-line, but am now no longer interested. However, there are five figures I’d love to find loose/complete at a swap meet one month, to have a loose duplicate to display.
Evolutions that Most Embody their Namesake
Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader
From Jedi Padawan, to Jedi Knight, to Sith Lord. The beating heart of Star Wars. Need I say more?
Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper (I-III)
Imperial Pilot Legacy (I-II)
Each of these sets illustrates the “evolution” of the Grand Army of the Republic to the Imperial Military by featuring a Phase I clone trooper or pilot, a Phase II clone trooper or pilot, and a Stormtrooper or TIE Pilot.
The Sith Legacy
This pack features three different Sith from three entirely different eras in the Star Wars chronology, spanning roughly three thousand years.
The Jedi Legacy and The Fett Legacy fail in this regard, as each set contains two of three figures from the same era. Not quite the same level of “evolution”.
The Padme Amidala Legacy is simply Padme in each episode of the Prequel Trilogy.
Vader’s Secret Apprentice is simply three different versions of Starkiller from The Force Unleashed video games.
Clone Commandos is a little off the mark as it features a Phase I ARC Trooper instead of a Phase I Clone Commando, to go with the Phase II Clone Commando and Imperial Commando.
The Sith is nothing but Sidious, Maul & Dooku.
The Rebel Pilot Legacy (I-III) each features a mix of different pilots from the Original Trilogy (films & EU), and the New Republic era of the Expanded Universe.
Highlights – Individual Figures
*Darth Bane
First & only Darth Bane figure released to date (does have Evolutions re-pack)
Expanded Universe
*New Jedi Order era Luke Skywalker
First & only NJO era Luke figure released to date (does have Evolutions re-pack)
Expanded Universe
*Lord Starkiller
First & only Lord Starkiller figure released to date (does have Evolutions re-pack)
Expanded Universe
*Padme Amidala (EPIII Silk Nightgown)
First & only Padme (in said outfit) figure released to date
*Queen Amidala (EPI Grey Dress)
First & only Padme (in said outfit) figure released to date
*9th Assault Corps (Coruscant Landing Platform) Clone Commander
First Coruscant Landing Platform Clone Commander figure released
Expanded Universe
The Prides of Nexu Museum Evolutions Collection
Revenge of the Sith – Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader (2005)
Revenge of the Sith – Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper (2005)
Revenge of the Sith – Clone Trooper to
Stormtrooper II (2005)
Revenge of the Sith – The Sith (2005)
30th Anniversary Collection – The Jedi Legacy (2008)
30th Anniversary Collection – Vader’s Secret Apprentice (The Force
Unleashed) (2008)
30th Anniversary Collection – Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader [ROTS
Re-Pack] (2008)
30th Anniversary Collection – Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper [ROTS
Re-Pack] (2008)
30th Anniversary Collection – The Sith [ROTS Re-Pack] (2008)
Legacy Collection – The Padme Amidala Legacy (2008)
Legacy Collection – Imperial Pilot Legacy I (2008)
Legacy Collection – The Sith Legacy [30AC Re-Pack] (2008)
The Legacy Collection – The Fett Legacy [30AC
Re-Pack] (2008)