Monday, March 2, 2020

The History of Ahsoka Fans Day

It appears I have a propensity for creating Ahsoka Tano related holidays and celebrations! In 2015 I created the annual holiday, Ahsoka Tano Day. And although I did not create the hashtag #TanoTuesday, I was the first to turn #TanoTuesday into a weekly celebration. And of course there were my other installments which included; #AhsokasDailyHoloImage, #AhsokaArtWeek, #AhsokaToyWeek, #AhsokaLooksWeek, and the #AhsokasDailyHoloImage Fan’s Choice Week. However, all of those holidays/celebrations focused mainly on celebrating the character of Ahsoka Tano, and all she is and stands for. But I also wanted a day to celebrate the fans of Ahsoka. Enter Ahsoka Fans Day! On March 2nd, 2016 I Tweeted that March 2nd will forever be known as Ahsoka Fans Day, with the first annual to take place on March 2nd, 2017 (thus making today the fourth annual). I feel Ahsoka Fans Day is a fantastic complimentary holiday to Ahsoka Tano Day. In January we celebrate Ahsoka, and in March we celebrate being fans of Ahsoka. 

George Lucas, Dave Filoni, and Ashley Eckstein gave life and depth to Ahsoka Tano, for which I am eternally thankful. But Ahsoka fans gave Ahsoka any entirely new dimension. There is a seemingly endless list of way in which Ahsoka has touched people’s lives, brought them countless moments of happiness, or inspired them on a personal and/or creative level. For many a man, woman and child, Ahsoka has been a rich and important part of life since she stepped out of that Republic Shuttle on Christophsis in 2008. There is an uncanny allure and appeal to Ahsoka that is truly infectious, and the magnitude at which fans gravitate towards her is utterly remarkable. Ahsoka fans have a deep, palpable passion that leaps out in so many forms. It’s amazing to watch. Thus, Ahsoka Fans Day provides an annual tradition of celebrating our own Ahsoka fandom, while simultaneously connecting and sharing our fandom with fellow Ahsoka fans across the globe. 

The significance of March 2nd lies in the two Coruscant-shattering events that took place on this date. On March 2, 2013, The Clone Wars fifth season came to an end with the airing of episode 5.20, “The Wrong Jedi”. The episode ends with Ahsoka leaving the Jedi Order and walking away from Anakin. It was also Ahsoka’s last “official” appearance on The Clone Wars and in Lucas-era canon [I say “official”, as she did appear in Yoda’s Force vision during the 6.12 “Destiny” episode in 2014]. Devastation, anguish and anger poured out from Ahsoka fans all over the world. A piece of our hearts had been torn away from us. Two years later, on March 2, 2015 (after a few voice and hooded hologram teasers), Ahsoka “officially” returns on the 1.13 “Fire Across The Galaxy” episode of Rebels, her first appearance in Disney-era canon. It wasn’t the Ahsoka [look or story] fans were expecting, but Ahsoka was back, and fans were given a second chance. The impact and emotional potency of these two events was insane. From the soul-crushing lows, to the elated tear-soaked highs, and everything in between, it was intense. Need proof? Go watch the YouTube videos people posted during those two nights and the days following each event. March 2nd had become a date that had highlighted that palpable passion for Ahsoka I spoke of earlier. It was Ahsoka fandom in its purest form, just that raw, unrestrained love and inspiration. The perfect day to transform into a celebration of fans being fans. 

Everyone is a fan for different reasons, and everyone’s fandom manifests itself in different ways. Ahsoka Fans Day is meant to recognize and honor all types, varieties, and levels of Ahsoka Tano fans, their fandom, and what their Ahsoka fandom means to them.

Happy Ahsoka Fans Day!  

May The Force Be With You

Here are some AhsokaTanosLife #AhsokaFansDay images from over the years.

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